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Posted on 11/10/2023

Braces can and will affect your face. They are changing a lot about your mouth, and your mouth relies on jawbones to move. At Lindsey Orthodontics, the leading orthodontics in Locust Grove and Griffin, GA, the before and after photos of patients from the time they start braces until the braces come off says it all.

In many cases, the changes to a patient's face are quite phenomenal. Even as an adult, adult braces from Locust Grove and Griffin, GA's favorite clinic will alter how you look.

Is It Really Dramatic?

Adults who come in for adult braces in Locust Grove and Griffin, GA are often concerned that the changes to their faces will be extremely dramatic. The only time this is true is when a patient has a really severe overbite, underbite, or crossbite that has created a facial deformity. In those cases, the results are quite dramatic.

The rest of the time, the changes in face shape and cheek bone structure are very subtle. The bones are changing as the teeth are repositioned, which is how your face changes. Still, everyone you know should still recognize you with no difficulty.

Changes in Face Appearance While Wearing Braces

The biggest change for both patients and those the patient knows is learning to accept the lip stretching. You now have these metal brackets and wires in your mouth that your lips have to stretch over in order to close your mouth completely. For some, it gives them a little bit of the "duck face" look that seems to be so popular in selfies. Once the braces are removed, this will allow the lips to relax a little, but they will still attempt to form a slight pout due to muscle memory.

More Contours in Your Face

Once your orthodontics from Locust Grove and Griffin, GA are in your mouth, you may experience more contours in your face, particularly in the hollows of your cheeks and cheekbones. Patients who like the new contours really don't seem to mind this shift in appearance. For others, the appearance of new contours might fade after your orthodontic treatment plan is complete.

Aligning the Jaws Might Create a Stronger Chin

If your lower jaw is slightly behind the upper jaw, your chin tends to appear smaller. When your teeth are correctly aligned and the top and bottom jaw sit on each other, your chin starts to jut out a little bit more. It can result in a stronger chin and a change in your profile.

When you are ready to see the difference in both your smile and your face, make an appointment with Lindsey Orthodontics.

Lindsey Orthodontics

  • Griffin Office - 120 W. College St., Suite A, Griffin, GA 30224 Phone: 770-228-1223
  • Locust Grove Office - 4600 Bill Gardner Pkwy, Suite 100, Locust Grove, GA 30248 Phone: 770-914-7994

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